Graphic Arts and Media Technology

Certificates and Degrees


  • Catalog: Graphic Arts and Media Technology, Graphic Design, AA
  • Catalog: Graphic Arts and Media Technology, Motion Graphics, AA
  • Catalog: Graphic Communications, Graphic Design, AAS
  • Catalog: Graphic Communications, Motion Graphics, AAS

    Certificates of Achievement

  • Catalog: Graphic Arts and Media Technology, Advanced Certificate
  • Catalog: Graphic Communications, Certificate of Achievement


  • Catalog: Graphic Communications (GRC) Courses
  • Catalog: Visual Media (VIS) Courses

    Bachelor of Arts Degree

    A 4-year Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Media with an emphasis in Graphic Arts and Media Technology can be obtained at TMCC, through a partnership with Nevada State College (NSC). This partnership allows students to complete the first three years in the GAMT program at TMCC and finish their fourth year with NSC while remaining on the TMCC campus. The first two years are the AA in Graphic Arts and Media Technology, the third year is the Advanced Certificate in Graphic Arts and Media Technology, and the final year is a BA in Visual Media with NSC. Students complete their final year on the TMCC campus, making the program a seamless path to a bachelor’s degree.

    Career Path

    The field of Graphic Arts and Media Technology offers a broad range of opportunities and there are plenty of career options in Northern Nevada. Positions are open in advertising agencies, design firms, marketing departments, photo studios, print shops, educational institutions, large and small corporations, casinos, and more. The industry offers a variety of job opportunities that can lead to employment as: