00:20:08 Michael T Ganschow Green: https://www.grc175.com/images/pdf/project-three.pdf 00:20:31 Michael T Ganschow Green: https://www.grc175.com/images/pdf/snag.pdf 00:23:03 Michael T Ganschow Green: https://www.google.com/search?q=website+site+map&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiT9dr-hZPvAhXzNX0KHZxJALwQ_AUoAXoECBkQAw&biw=1440&bih=707#imgrc=iJq67-VkBJzSjM 00:38:34 Michael T Ganschow Green: https://www.grc175.com/images/pdf/style_guide.pdf 00:40:11 Kassandra: Can you explain the roughs again. I’m confused with the total being 8 00:41:38 Kassandra: Ok, thank you. Yes :) 00:48:25 Michael T Ganschow Green: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp 01:05:44 Kathy Rueckl: can you go back one step again. I looked away for one second. 01:05:54 Kathy Rueckl: where you just saved 01:06:56 Kathy Rueckl: ok cool thanks 01:08:26 Kassandra: Emerald 01:08:26 Olivia Reyes: neon pink 01:08:31 Heather Amistani: Lime green 01:08:47 Heather Amistani: Rust 01:08:50 Kathy Rueckl: eggshell 01:08:53 Olivia Reyes: ok ok pastel pink 01:08:58 Allison: I second eggshell 01:11:03 Allison: Would this be the same place that we add our assets for when we do our own website? 01:12:04 Allison: Yeah 01:13:02 kianabohm: How do we bring up the color picker? Or browse a color? 01:35:29 Angela Gutierrez: Are the smaller boxes on top of the darker green box? 01:36:09 Angela Gutierrez: gotcha 01:47:35 Kathy Rueckl: When I added padding it is colored orange and nothing is happening. 01:48:00 Kathy Rueckl: under the background color 01:48:02 Kathy Rueckl: same as you 01:48:15 Kathy Rueckl: ya that main 01:48:32 Kathy Rueckl: I cant cause im on two computers 01:49:12 Kathy Rueckl: that fixed it