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P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 2:37 pm
by bmeyer
Hi! The website I chose was

The main problems are the lack of a cohesive and modern-looking layout, lack of font use, blurry images, and looking boring. It does stick to the pink color scheme well and is easy to use. Doing my roughs, I wanted to make one rough that has a more modern and clean feel and then another that has more of a cute local business feel. For both, I completely re-did everything besides the body copy. In my first rough I wanted to use a black background and focus on negative space, as well as add some better images. In the second rough, I made a cupcake graphic to use on the home page, and used more pastel colors, to give it more of a cute hometown aesthetic. The biggest problem I ran into was copying and pasting the body copy from the website. The body copy is very long, so I may go through it and try and shorten it, or possibly add pull quotes of the important information. I also want to play around with the location and look at the contact information. Overall, I don't know which draft I like better, so I may try and combine elements of both and see how that goes.

Any Advice is appreciated and please vote in my poll:)))

Option 1:
Option 2:

Re: P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 1:55 pm
by YoAdrian!
Hi Bella!
Good work putting both of these together! It's really hard to choose which way to go, I honestly might combine a little of both designs. I love the color scheme in your "Opt. 1" but I really like the layouts for your "Opt. 2" better. I think you're right in trying to pair down the text. Cupcakes sell themselves and people want to see the photos. Maybe you could extract a few sentences and keep the paragraph simple, but add a couple of customer quotes stating how amazing the cupcakes are? You could really do with with either design, this will be fun to see.

Re: P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 3:41 pm
by Erikatsukamoto
Hey Bella! These came out looking really good. Its hard to chose, but I think I would have to chose the first design. I think that when you have that dark background, it really makes the colors from your images pop. One thing that I would change is having a margin around the image on the right to match the one on the left. Overall, really nice job!

Re: P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 5:54 pm
by antstronomy
Hi Bella! Personally, I prefer design 02. I think the colors you are using make me think of sweets and baking, more than the colors used in the design one. I think it just feels more warm and welcoming :) If I could suggest anything to improve it, I would suggest making the company name bigger and more expressive or even moving its location. I think upon first glance I wasn't sure if it was a header or the company name. Great designs!

Re: P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 9:12 pm
by Instructor
Oh I'm all about your Option 2, Bella. I think your first one is a little too stark and dark for a cupcake joint. The second one feels fun and inviting which works better.

I think what does a lot of your selling here is the little cartoon cupcake on your homepage. It's very welcoming and adds a sense of whimsy to the whole thing. The colors feel much more like bakery colors to me as well. A pleasant beige offset by bright pinks and magentas. Makes the whole thing look a little like a cupcake as well. I like your photo selection as well. It does a great job of showing what's available and also communicating what this place is all about. Nice margin between your photographs BTW. I also like how they collapse into rows on your mobile versions. Very clean.

Your bodycopy and contact info could use a little more leading (line height), everything seems a little tight and you have room to play in your little contact info ovals. On your mobile designs, the margins around your bodycopy are a little tight especially the right margin on your mobile homepage and the bottom margin on your mobile inner page. I think there's probably a font too many here as well. It'd look a little better if you used either your "Toronto Cupcakes" type or your navigation type for the inner page title.

Nice work. Now I want a cupcake!

Re: P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:22 am
by jjkusler
Hi Bella!

Your designs look great, a good difference in color from the original website! I'm leaning more towards your 2nd design as it feels very light and inviting. I also really like how you incorporated the darker cupcake decal, it ties in really well with the font color. Only suggestion would be to add some more space between the "toronto cupcakes" and the images, other than that I can't wait to see the final!

Re: P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 2:49 am
by kelseymarie_ba
Hi Bella,
I think you did a great job re-designing the website and making it more fun and modern! Great work! I think I gravitated towards your second design because the cupcake graphic is bold and compliments the website nicely while still using great use of layout and alignment for legibility. Something that I think would help with your design would be to mute your colors a bit, I like your color palette but I think the neon tint to it makes it a bit too loud for the design. Hope that helps and awesome job! Looking forward to your final design! :D

Re: P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 1:06 pm
by qcottel
Hey Bella!

I love the beige look for the website, while it is sleek, the beige seems like a better fit because of the websites topic. I think that the use of that big dark cupcake is really cool, and your use of hierarchy is awesome. I'd go with the beige look for sure

Great work!

Re: P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:15 pm
by NMartz
Hello Bella, good work. I like both of your designs but prefer the second one. I really like the cupcake graphic you added. The colors you used give it a dessert website feel. If you go with the second rough, my advice would be to use a hamburger bar. Also I think the cupcake graphic on the mobile rough could be moved somewhere else so that it doesn't interfere with the body text.

Re: P03 Prelim:)

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 6:46 pm
by Hinata_Sato
Hi Bella,
I love both of your designs and I like the colors you chose for these! My favorite is my second one. I love the colors, illustrations, and images you chose for this design. My only critique will be the headline. I think the kerning can be tighter for the "Toronto Cupcakes" or changing it to another font style. Nice work!