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Re: Project 3 preliminary

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:22 pm
by Meghna_Misson
Hey Samantha,
Wonderful designs so far! I really enjoedy how you made the home page limited because back in the original website the user would scroll on forever viewing sold/unsold horses--very helpful! Also, great attention to detail by making the header image a cloudy sky to connect back to the original site as well, and I can see how that translated into the rest of the color scheme--great sense of consistency! My only suggestions to improve on would be the font choices (for example, the headlines can be kept in script, but if the body text is as well, it becomes hard to read and might put off the viewer) and the navigation bar (I don't think you really need those circles behind each title to distinguish them from one another, instead, a couple of thin white or dark lines might do the trick!). But other than that, these designs are again wonderful because I can fully envision what the finalized version will look like! Amazing work!

Re: Project 3 preliminary

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:51 pm
by Ericha Eberhart
Hi Sam!
Man, that original website is UGLY, I think you have already helped the site so much! I like the yellow and the blue as it feels very calming. I do think the body copy is very hard to read and seems to be too much visually when paired with the other typestyles. Nice start.

Re: Project 3 preliminary

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:55 am
by Mike_Chavez123
Alright Thomas, now the idea was badly designed websites and what I see is a badly designed website. It’s good for sure, can’t wait for the final!