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Project 4 FINAL

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:50 pm
by ngrover19
Holy SMOKES. Mr. GG, please update the required materials for this class to include a helmet, because I have been banging my head against a wall ALL semester. I just now finally figured out why my Project 3 and 4 links weren't working.

Anyway, here it is. Project 4. I ran out of time and was only able to pump out 3 pages, but what I learned this semester cannot be quantified. This was an IMMENSELY helpful class. Being a Cybersecurity major, I felt quite confident in my abilities to do this, while simultaneously taking a JS coding class. I have been humbled, but nevertheless so grateful for the education (and the instructor personality). A huge thanks to everyone in the class, some really incredible work this semester. Good luck to everyone in their future endeavors! ... index.html