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New Roughs - Matthew Minten

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:43 pm
by mminten
Here are some new examples of my neon design:
Home Page
Home Page
Inside Page
Inside Page
I am not sure if I like the idea of having 2 different designs. I am curious as to which design everyone thinks is the best of the two.


Here are some more ideas:
Brick - Turned off
Brick - Turned off
Brick - Turned On
Brick - Turned On
Brick - Gallery - Off
Brick - Gallery - Off
Brick - Gallery - On
Brick - Gallery - On

Basically the Title will always be on unless you mouse over and then it will turn off.

Re: New Roughs - Matthew Minten

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:43 pm
by smith206
I think they are equally strong but I think the first one could be stronger if you added the lighting effects like you have done in the second one. Also it might be a cool idea if you included transparency with the blue box your content is on so you could see the neon lines when they go behing it.

Re: New Roughs - Matthew Minten

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:26 pm
by Ravana
I kinda dig the brick... though I might consider taking it all the way to the top. Not sure if that would work (it would cover part of the tips of your neon) but the free standing wall feels a little weird to me.

Also, I'm not in love with the typeface of your banner.... though it's not exactly awful. Can't say I have a proper suggestion for you on that though....