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project03 prelim :)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 2:37 pm
by squidgola33
so my website is quite awful. this website uses very bright and confusing colors that blind the viewers eye as well as a horrid structure. I wanted to keep it quite simple and easy to navigate. some of my inspiration came from sites such as and all of my designs have different color scheme. let me know which one you think looks the best!

Re: project03 prelim :)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:25 pm
by Samantha_Thomas
yay, I'm the first to comment on something FINALLY

But as for your websites, I think you should go with the green design.
It adds a hint of fun to it, and the way you organized it only adds to the feeling that the website is giving off. since its a website about juice and ordering some for yourself, it could work well as it seems to be aimed at mainly a kids consumption but adult buying.
If I had to critique something Bad about the page, I would try to give just a TINYYY bit more breathing room to things around the edges of the page so it doesn't feel as cramped, but it is up to you, honestly.

Re: project03 prelim :)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:38 pm
by zandrews
Darnit Sam beat me to it being your first comment (high five Sam)! :)

I have never heard of of this website but am fascinated by your find (and boy were you not kidding about their website being badddddd). As for your redesigns, great job coming up with not just two but THREE options! It makes this all the more tougher to pick! My first impression though is I LOVE the aesthetic and branding/looking of everything in your green redesign - I think it speaks more to children's juice rather than focusing on the "oenny" aspect of the brand name. However, I love the layout and organization of the lavender/cream orange desktop and mobile. I feel they're the cleanest and easiest to follow layouts amongst the three of these. My suggestion would be to carry over the colors/artistic elements of the green option into the layout of the lavender/cream orange one. Also I would exnay the penny just because everything else has that child/cartoon feel like to it and the penny just feels a tad out of place - I think the brand name does enough to communicate inexpensive/affordable. :) Also really watch your margins and try bringing everything in a bit from the edge. Remember it may seem like things are small but you have a ton of space to work with AND it helps theres not a ton of separate pages you have to navigate to and hence menus.

Looking forward to seeing this site's evolution! :) Great work!

Re: project03 prelim :)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 7:10 pm
by Fatkid53
Outstanding, if a site was ever in need of a re-design, it's this one. I like how for both designs you kept it playful not only with color but the imagery and the shapes as well. I prefer the green design, I believe it's design 3, if not only for the fact that you found a way to use red and green color contrast and the design does not scream christmas, lol. I really like the imagery that you have in this design with the fruit and the caricature of the child excited for the "penny juice". What I might look at is the placement of your menus and your general page layout, the UI might be a bit confusing upon first visit. The other change I would tinker with is where you put your tag-line, with it being at the bottom it kinda feels like you are burying the lead so to speak. Maybe bringing it to the top under the title so one explains the other and trading it with the line "it makes cents" and then putting that at the bottom. Overall a rad start and I look forward to seeing which one you choose.

Re: project03 prelim :)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:30 pm
by Instructor
Penny Juice. What a strange little website. "It makes cents." Heh!

I'm not sure where one design begins and another ends here. These look like three different home pages rather than two designs of a home page and inner page each. I'm going to critique them as if they were three separate designs then.

I like the purple one with the weird transparent juiceboxes the best. The juiceboxes look so weird, it seems to go with the whole oddness of Penny Juice. Magnified on your homepage, the juicebox somehow manages to be MORE weird. Plus, the purple and orange colorscheme works together well. I like your type choices. They're uncommon, zany, and faintly unsettling. Perfect for Penny Juice. Good use of margin on this whole thing, too. Everything has room to breathe, but nothing is fragmenting.

You don't need the orange boxes behind every pice of type on the design. The purple is light enough that the text will show fine on it. Maybe leave 'em behind your subheads to divide up your content. But the rest of the bodycopy doesn't need 'em. On your mobile version make sure the text at the top is the same width as your juiceboxes and bodycopy, like you have it on your print design.

Good effort!

Re: project03 prelim :)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:53 pm
by Elle Barre
Oddly, I like the very first design, even though the one with fruit pictured on it seems more fun and descriptive. The first one looks like the one daycare centers would find ordering from easier: it's simple, the main point practically sells it on its own: specially designed for childcare centers. Oh, good, daycare workers would think, this box self-destructs after the kid drops it and runs off. :- ) It's really nice, easy, clear. The penny. ORDER NOW. I like it. The one with black silhouettes... no, that looks like missing children posters. I really like the first one alot. I had a visceral reaction... I remember the daycare centers 20 years ago when my daughter went. Yes, #1 would appeal to them.

Re: project03 prelim :)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:08 am
by James Hill
Cool designs you have here. I like the second image alot (watermelon one) I like the bright colors which you seem to not like on the OG website. But for a website called penny juice color make sense. Even when it may cause eye blindness. Great Job.

Re: project03 prelim :)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 5:24 pm
by Meghna_Misson
Hey Amber,
I really like the top design out of the three, especially how it is designed on the computer-sized format. The graphic on the left is really cute and matches the focus of the original website being fruit juice for childcare centers well. My only suggestions to improve on would be hierarchy of information (for example, the email and phone numbers could be placed on the bottom of the homepage--maybe not even in orange rectangles--while the "order now" button could be moved underneath the "learn more" button) and the color scheme (it feels sort of dull in color, so incorporating some bright colors similar to your second design would really make your design pop off). But other than that, great work so far! I wonder which design you'll choose for the final!

Re: project03 prelim :)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:43 pm
by Ericha Eberhart
I like the colors of your first design but I like the visual movement of the second. I think both could be pretty strong with a few tweaks. But on all of the layouts, I feel a little confused as to why this juice is special. I see the small sentence about the 100% juice and the children center part but I had to look to find that information. I think if you made that blurb bigger and bolder it might come across quicker to the viewer.

Re: project03 prelim :)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:55 am
by Mike_Chavez123
I love every heart beat, makes my skin tingle when I see these preliminary works! Good job!