Project 1 Final March 4

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Megan Greaves
Posts: 75
Joined: Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:11 pm

Re: Project 1 Final March 4

Post by Megan Greaves »

Hello Elle,

I love the fact that you made your website about your daughter. That's just so sweet. The use of transparency and gradients work well with each other in the desktop version of the design. I think you could bring that base structure over to the mobile version (unless you didn't want to make them exactly the same. From the mobile version though I think having your name be in white makes it stand out more, and the desktop version could use that since your name isn't on the top in that version. There are a couple of tiny things in the desktop that are bugging me, just tiny minor things. The "r" in "pretty colors" looks like it's not italicized. Once I noticed it I couldn't stop noticing it. The other thing I'm not even sure if it's a real thing or if I'm having a stroke. It almost looks like the text that says "she's 23" has a different slant than the other italicized text, especially when compared to the other "she's" below it. When you change the placeholder next to your actual navigation, I would make sure that line has the same style as the rest of the navigation. I think it might be an italics versus narrow italics or something like that.
