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Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:32 pm
by cpeter2
Hello I know this is a bit late but for my website i picked ( to redesign. As you can seen it is very outdated in comparison to other Movie websites these days. I decided to go witha more modern take on it while trying to include some of the quirky bits that Tommy Wiseau would appreciate. Both my first and second design have amore modern take but the first one has a more dark theme while the second one has a more Light theme to it. I made sure to keep navigation very simply so anyone visiting the website would be able to get exactly where they need to go.

Design 01

Design 02

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 9:04 pm
by IzzyB
Hi Carl,

Your new version of the website turned out even better. The format is honestly a huge improvement to your original layout/design. The videos display properly and the text is much easier to read. I love the dark-gradient aesthetic look that conveys throughout the entire website, it makes it seem as you want to dive deeper into the content to understand depth. Love the style you did for the navigation bar and everything else. Format is perfect in all, great job on your website!