project 1 prelim

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project 1 prelim

Post by it's_crysta »

Hi everyone. For my designs I wanted to make something that was overall fun to look at and attention grabbing. Both have room for the rest of the things I need to put in and I have plenty of space to move things around as the rest of the information goes in.
Here's my two inspirational websites. I like the use of color in both of them and the overlapping in the first one and the contrast in the second one.

My first design I wanted to play with the overlapping I liked in the first of my inspirational websites, so I made a bunch of circles and messed with the fonts a lot. I still need to put an image in this one though.

The second one is a neon sign motif. One of my favorite color combos is neon blue and neon pink so I had to use it for something. I made a water color for the background and i think it looks like wet asphalt with lights reflecting off of it.

Playing with the shapes in both of them was very fun to do and I like how both layouts have been turning out so far.
it's Crysta (Clark)

i feel like i'm on neopets again

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Re: project 1 prelim

Post by kendall_the_mann »

Hi Crysta!

Your first design is so dope! In the best way possible it makes me dizzy looking at it, it's like I can actually see your name wobbling! I love the colors and I love the way you formed your type to move along the diagonal lines! I think this design also favors your text a bit more than the second one where it gets a bit lost in the background.

Awesome designs! I'm really looking forward to seeing your final website : )
-Kendall Mann

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Re: project 1 prelim

Post by Olive »

Hi Crysta!

your designs are super awesome I like the aesthetics you chose for each one they are very well made. I favor the second design with the neon signs just because the colors are a bit easier on the eyes and the layout is clear. But I think the use of a solid color background like in your first design could be utilized in your second design to make the neon signs stand out a bit more :)
\₍ᐢ•ﻌ•ᐢ₎*・゚。 Olivia Reyes ( ^..^)ノ

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Re: project 1 prelim

Post by dearangela »

Hey Crysta,

I dig both of your designs! For the first composition, I enjoy the theme you have going on like you know what you want viewers to feel like, like Woah! I would say it is a little hard on the eyes if I stare at this for a long while and especially having to read the text after might be difficult, have you tried making the white circles may be the same color as your yellow? Since your name is already very busy I think calming down an element might help so the reader can go through everything with ease. What were you thinking of filling up that blank space?
I think your first idea is very unique and I do lean on that design more, it has a lot of potentials to be even better than now! I would try working on contrast and colors to further explore this great idea.

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Re: project 1 prelim

Post by Anayik »

Hi Crysta!

I really love your first design. It's bold and loud while still being clean. I enjoy the collage-y kinda grunge feel of your name against the background. It's very visually interesting and you pull off the busyness of multiple textures well. I also think the yellow is a nice background choice as it will hold your body copy well without contrast issues. You added just the right amount of detail vs. solid here. Either one you decide to go with I'll be excited to see how it turns out. :)
Kiana Bohm

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Re: project 1 prelim

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Crystal,
You succeed in making these designs fun to look at and they do grab my attention. The color choices for the first one helped a lot, and the neon theme you went with help in the second design. The only thing I can think of changing is bringing down the neon sign a little to give a little more breathing room at the top.
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: project 1 prelim

Post by Instructor »

Oh, nice neon aesthetic in your second design, Crysta. I think you should go with that one.

You really nailed the neon look with this one. Everything looks like a glowing tube! I especially like how your name is an arrow that points to your project navigation. Great visual movement through your composition. Your navigation is easy to see and use as well. What I like best though is that dirty velvet background texture you've got here. It feels like it's been under an art table for a while and we're shining a blacklight on it. Or a neon light. So many sins! At thumbnail size it almost looks like an old concrete wall too. And that fits nicely with the neon motif. You've made a great typographic choice with that neon font. It really ties the whole thing together. Just a nice tight composition that has a really neat aesthetic. Some strong choices made here.

You've got a big block of space to the right of your computer design and below your mobile design. Were you intending to use it for something? As is it unbalances your design. I'd recommend putting something in there, centering your layout, or spreading your layout out a bit to fill the space. Also, you need to add some margin to your bodycopy, especially at the top and bottom. Right now it's a little crammed in there. Maybe even cut down your bodycopy and add a bit of room between the lines. Also, cutdown on the paragraph dashes as well.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: project 1 prelim

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hey Crysta,

I think your designs are amazing. I really like how you did your first design the most. I like how you worked with the typography on the first one, the overall design reminds me of cartoon network, and I think that is a great connection between it being fun and you did the style with your twist. I don't think the black and white circles are too troubling to read your name; I think helps encourage the visitor to remember your name well. I do say maybe had some variety in the sizes to the targets; I think it will make the texture much more interesting.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: project 1 prelim

Post by Krueckl »

Hi Crysta,

You made some really cool designs! I think I like the first design the most. It is very bold and I like structure of it as well. The design using circles and also using a diagaonal split of the page looks really cool. It draws a lot of attention and makes your readers eyes look at exactly what you want if that makes any sense. I'm sure you will be adding more in your final project but I would add buttons or a menu for where to find your work. Nice job!

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Re: project 1 prelim

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Crysta,
Your website designs are super unique and really fun to look at! I love your second website because of the neon you used, it stands out really well on the dark background. I think that the bottom has some empty space that could be filled, so maybe if you moved your text down a bit it would look good. Nice job!
Kierann O'Hara
