Project #2

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Project #2

Post by Kyler_Rose »

Here Is my Page Ive worked really hard on it, and I hope you Guys Enjoys the Page as well. I stayed with the dark theme to keep up with the games tones and themes.
Kyler Rose


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Re: Project #2

Post by Instructor »

Ah, the self peeling potato strikes again. What have you for us this time?

Oh, nice. You really captured the branding of Binding of Isaac with your website. It has that same sense of weird fatalism that the game has. The large logo at the top immediately establishes where we are and what the website is about. The layout is easy to read while being a little bit mazelike which works hand in hand with how Isaac plays. I also like the large calls to action at the bottom of each page. Your navigation is definitely easy to see and use and works with the colors and feel established by your brand.

Your navigation breaks if the viewing computer is not the highest resolution. I would have liked to see more content on the inner pages as well. Watch your margins on designs like these. You've got a little too much space in some spots, like the character names above their images on the Characters page. I think an 8-bit font for your navigation and titles would have really completed it.

Not bad!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project #2

Post by susielang »

I like your index- home page a lot. Nice description and layout. Your site I like the colors and the graphics. Can really see what it is about. Great job!
Susie Lang

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Re: Project #2

Post by chaytothet »

Heeeey! Nice job on the bright green, not all layouts can pull it off, but very nicely done!

One issue I have is your type... I feel like it's all new times Roman, and although that's not bad, I feel like you could do more! It should be so much more expressive!

I'd work on that! Awesome job though!

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Re: Project #2

Post by erika.murray »

Your home page is looking good, could use a bit more than neon green and the serif typeface.

Really liking your videogame site! The colors and 8-bit style are working nicely. I did notice that your buttons double up, I'm assuming they were only supposed to be on one line. Good job making a website with nice unity.
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Re: Project #2

Post by Peelio »


The final design on your home site is easy to navigate and it is easy to get to project 2 and project 3. The Binding of Isaac site design is clean and turned out well. The large nav buttons take up a lot of attention -take away from the graphics. The colors add to the design, they look good.
Melissa Peel

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Re: Project #2

Post by selvster5000 »

Love the graphics you put on both web sites. The navigation bar seems to break when opening project 2 though, it might be a positioning problem??
I'm also fond of the vertical borders on your second website, good job!
Hannah Selvey

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Re: Project #2

Post by SerenDark »

Your home site is clean and I enjoy the vertical organization! I wish the type were more interesting, and that the Inspiration Websites' link buttons were more visually creative, like being banners. But it's cool and nice overall.

Your Isaac site is fabulous! It sort of kills me how basic your navbar type, and other type, is compared to how bombastic the feel and logo of the site are, in general, although it does work well on the Characters page, among others.
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Re: Project #2

Post by breezy »


I really like your personal website! I love the link to your merch page, it's great!
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Brianna Mick

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Re: Project #2

Post by Cassiebowers »

I like the layout of your site. It is really easy to navigate. The "characters" tab on the info dropdown menu goes outside of its box. Besides that really cool website.
Cassandra Bowers
