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Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:44 am
by KKentera_5000
I realized that my original home page design was disorienting so I changed it. I'm still not that happy with my color scheme but I feel like it at least makes more sense now and is a bit more legible. I welcome your comments as they are always helpful. thx folks

Re: proj_1_homepage_final

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:45 pm
by Instructor
Hm. This is definitely a step up from your preliminary designs. It's much easier to read and to follow the layout.

Your layout is quite good, in fact. I like the placement of your headline, navigation, bodycopy and (very weird) image. Your colors are working well together. The subtle gray to blue background gradient in particular is very strong. I also like the use of the white TMCC logo as well, the green one would have clashed. I also like the use of generally muted colors. It helps stand back and let the colors of your freaky middle image do all the talking.

You've got a real clash going on with your fonts though. Your weird smoky headline/title/nav font is not working at all with your rounded bodycopy. Your text boxes did not need such heavy gradients behind them, or even really any gradients at all. I think not outlining all of your boxes would really go a long way to simplifying everything. I think the navigation text would be just fine without two layers of outlines. It just seems like an overly complex coat of paint for a nice layout. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

Good effort!

Re: proj_1_homepage_final

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:12 pm
by Stephski
Hello Kevin,
You mention that you are not satisfied with your choice of colors. Perhaps you could try to work with your four colors of the image? It's a cool image by the way. I do agree with Michael, maybe there is no need for an outline of the boxes.

Re: proj_1_homepage_final

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:01 pm
by michelek
Hi Kevin,

Like the layout and how it is divided up. I like the colors that you used which makes your image in the bottom center stand out. The only thing I would change is the gradient behind the text and just the nav buttons no box around them.

Re: proj_1_homepage_final

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:11 pm
by erose
Hi Kevin:

I love it, love it, love it! My favorite part is the the gradient boxes with the drop shadows under the text. Really well done! I do have two suggestions for you. You could consider making the outline of the nav box thinner, that way your outlines would progress from thick at the top, to a little thinner for the nav box to no outlined boxes below the nav box. I think it would look great. My other suggestion would be to change the color up just a bit for the light blue face. It is very similar to the color of the rest of your page and doesn't POP as much as the other faces. Great design!!

Re: proj_1_homepage_final

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:31 pm
by EduardoG
Hi Kevin,
The final design for your home page has really improved from the roughs!
The balance/ symmetry is doing well in the design. The font has great readability, and nice navigability.
As others have said, the image in the center does not need the outline to separate them, since the distinct color difference does that well.
Also, for the buttons, you should (if you want), add an after effect with the buttons having an outline when the mouse hovers over it.

Re: proj_1_homepage_final

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:33 pm
by BreeAnn
Hi Kevin,

This is a great step up from before, you've shown a great improvement from the roughs. I'm enjoying the swirly font you've chosen for your name and nav bar, but the two fonts clash a bit. Have you considered a simple sans sarif for your body copy? You also mentioned that you're not happy with the color choices, I think they're working really well together.

Re: proj_1_homepage_final

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:13 pm
by ZeraOtaku
Hi Kevin!
I love the layout of your design is very neat and organize and easy to fallow.
My only Critique is that your fonts clash really bad with each other and the gradients in the boxes is a little much.
Other wise its a solid design!

Re: proj_1_homepage_final

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:03 am
by IvorHarvey
I think your design is a lot more refined than your first one you posted! The font and colors are a lot easier on the eyes and can be easily read, though it get a little difficult towards the bottom of your body copy when the gradient moves into a similar blue as the type (even though it looks like you have that outer glow around the text.) Also, if the body copy were any smaller i think it would be difficult to read. But good improvements overall!

Re: proj_1_homepage_final

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:03 am
by IvorHarvey
I think your design is a lot more refined than your first one you posted! The font and colors are a lot easier on the eyes and can be easily read, though it get a little difficult towards the bottom of your body copy when the gradient moves into a similar blue as the type (even though it looks like you have that outer glow around the text.) Also, if the body copy were any smaller i think it would be difficult to read. But good improvements overall!