Project 2 Roughs

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Project 2 Roughs

Post by schakarun714 »

Here you go guys. The original website is
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming

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Re: Project 2 Roughs

Post by aslychsm »

That's a pretty bad website you chose to redesign, but there's a lot of room to get creative. I'll start off first by saying I thought your roughs were for an independent business that crafts beer, I didn't really get a 'restaurant' vibe from your designs. I know they specialize in beer, so maybe it's not a big deal. But in either case, I think you're off to a good start! Maybe try incorporating some images of food? I like your first design. The second one is a bit too bright for my eyes. You could also bump up the opacity in the main content boxes to help with legibility.
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project 2 Roughs

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi there,
I like your redesigns of the layout. I especially like the first layout. I know you were using German colors for the second which is a great idea but the warm tones you used in the first layout I think gives the product more appeal. There are some contrast issues with the type in the center but you can easily fix that. I like how you found a similar type for the layout and the logo.


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Re: Project 2 Roughs

Post by paula_b »

I have to go with rough2. That beer looks good! I like the font choice, it just gets lost in the image. Resolve that and you'll have a nice page!

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Re: Project 2 Roughs

Post by recordd »

Hi Shalie!
You got some good roughs here! The site the you are re-designing is not very user friendly or clear as to what are links and what text is not. I think you have solved that problem and I like the simplicity of both layouts. I'm leaning more towards rough #2 because I love the background with the main content boxes on top of it. The one thing that I would suggestion is to up your opacity on the content boxes so the text is easier to read otherwise great job and I cannot wait to see your final designs!
Danielle Record

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Re: Project 2 Roughs

Post by ElizabethBrass »

Hey girl,

these are both off to a great start. I like rough 2 more because I like the sunny, fall, warm feeling of the site as a whole. If you go with that one, I would change the color of the beer choices. The yellow is a little hard to read, especially in the brightest part of the background.

great start!

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Re: Project 2 Roughs

Post by mlauc »


I like rough 1 but the copy is difficult to read over the image. I suggest moving it to the right of the beer and maybe reducing the amount of text.
I imagine that the main image will change based on the category to incorporate more food.

Nice job!

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Re: Project 2 Roughs

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Shalie,
I think both of the designs are better than the original website.
I like your more realistic “rough2-pg1_sc.jpg” designs more than the colored block designs.

I think if you combined them that would work too but the home page should be the one with the photo.
Makes me want to drink that beer!
I like the navigation bar and how you did the yellow color on the beer foam. Looks good.
I like the layout and composition is very clean and balanced.

I would increase the footer information as its small and cant read it very well.
The info font might be a little thin; maybe it needs to be a little bolder to make it stand out more. It looks faded.
I would increase the photo of the beer so it fills some of the top negative space. Beer could be bigger.
The logo looks good but the white lettering gets lost with the logo design.

Hope some of that helps.
Looks good, nice job.

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Re: Project 2 Roughs

Post by rrodriguez »

I like the layout of the beer in the background because it represents the establishment the best - THEY SELL BEER and I’m sure other things. The inside page has a lot of info for the viewer to read, maybe break it up into two columns so it’s easier to read. I like how you are using white boxes to show info. I’d play around with layout of the white boxes and the transparency more so that all the elements fit together more harmonious. It’s a great start
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Re: Project 2 Roughs

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Shalie,

Good layout and navigation on the top set, and bold color choices on the bottom set. I like the top set more because of the smooth feel, and I think it's making me thirsty. I think the text is a little hard to read in both sets, so I would play with font color or maybe stroke. Nice redesigns!
Dominique Boudinot
