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Post by Fatkid53 »

Hello, Hello,

I chose to redesign one of the most disgusting sites on the whole of the interwebs, my site from some time ago that floats in the digital ethereum causing me heartburn. My analysis of the site is whatever idiot made this site did not pay attention to the way it scaled and whether mobile or desktop viewport the site has an insane amount of negative space. To counteract this short-sighted feature, I intend to enlarge the viewer in the deco version I have laid out, and abandon it completely in the illustration heavy version. The other aspect this jackass ignored is that in an effort to accomplish a minimalist design, I am assuming of course, the site is almost completely devoid of color. To respond to this I have used my newest logo and the color palette it brings with it in the deco version and a full background image in the other. Following my analysis, I then dug into the actual composition of the layout, in the deco version I made a friendly more playful layout with the larger text boxes and easily navigated UI features and in the illustrative version I found the UI navigation more traditional with the cross bar but I left room for up to 20 pages in the site as the portfolio expands for the artist.

Ilustrative Homepage Desktop VP
illustrate_design_grc175_homepage copy.png
Illustrative Design Page Vp
illustrat_design_grc175__designpage copy.png
Ilustrative Homepage Mobile VP
Ilustrative Design page Mobile VP
Deco Homepage Desktop VP
Deco Design page Desktop VP
Deco Home page Mobile VP

Deco Design Mobile VP
James P. Cowan

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Re: project_3_prelim_layouts

Post by Cole_Richards »

Hi James! I agree, that website is a stain on the interwebs, in need of a redesign, speaking of, I love your new designs! They are well done and have a lot of personality, I like the first design a lot, the splash of color brings it together very nicely, I might reduce the amount of boxes, having the navigation on one box, or lowering the opacity of the background so the text pops more, otherwise I really like these!
Cole Richards (Betes Boy)

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Re: project_3_prelim_layouts

Post by kpargs »

Hey James,
Clever, I wouldn't of even thought about just correcting my own mistakes for this project.
And this is a tough decision, I think I'm drawn to your first set, but honestly, you could roll either way dude.
Aloha --------------Kirsten Pargas

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Re: project_3_prelim_layouts

Post by lilykmitch »

Hi James
i really like both of these designs honestly i dont know which is better i think the second one goes with your style really well but the first one i like the layout more maybe if you combined them somehow that could be cool but they are both really great!
Lily Mitchell :geek:

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Re: project_3_prelim_layouts

Post by Samantha_Thomas »

Hi James
I like both of your designs, but the first one is the best in my opinion.
The whole idea of curiosity and having the web page centered around space, which is still full of curiosity, really ties in together while also looking cool and entertaining, so that's why I think it fits.
For your box with the paragraph, though, it might need to be just a tiny bit darker cause there are some minor spots where it might be hard to read a letter, but that's just me nit-picking, and it all depends on how you want to do it.
Samantha Thomas

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Re: project_3_prelim_layouts

Post by zandrews »

Hi James!

Ah yessss!!! I love that you're working on more designs for your shop - such a fun concept you have going with these. Although you did a fantastic job on both sets, I really love option 1 with that new background. It conveys such an artistic blend of not just design but also drawing and just art in general. You also carried over my favorite element from your original site design in how the headline/company text is partially transparent/psychedelic with the backdrop and that is so incredibly unique and eye catching and yet still very easy to read (major major props on that as that would be hard to do). It's rather interesting because I feel your second set looks a lot like your original one you did yet the first set carries over your brand aesthetic just as much but feels so much fresher (the new backdrop is probably the culprit and your creative genius-ness but man that background is just freaking awesome).

Honestly if you go with set 1, there isn't much I'd change! Perhaps maybe make the nav buttons have a pop of color so they pop off more and separate themselves from the homepage body copy however that is purely a subjective suggestion as it looks great right now. You really managed to use a fun, futuristic font that is still easily readable and that is also very challenging to do. Honestly you can go wrong with either set but pleeeease pick set one - it just has that extra umph and freshness that will be such a great evolution of your website! :)

Always looking forward to seeing what you come up with next and it's not different with this one - cant wait to see which one you pick and finalize! Excellent work! :)

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Re: project_3_prelim_layouts

Post by squidgola33 »

its really hard to find anything to say about these bad boys, they look so good! I like the way font, the color, the vibe, and everything about them. I also am a fan how to mobile rough and desktop are slightly different, it shows that you put a lot of work into making two separate distinctions of your site. the redesign is definitely a win

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Re: project_3_prelim_layouts

Post by Instructor »

Lol! Correcting your shame and dishonor.

I like your first one better. The inverted image in the headline and navigation gives in a splattery distressed feeling that I really like. Plus the background image is different so it doesn't feel like you're repeating yourself. That sci-fi background image is really cool and sets a great tone for the whole website. That image is supplying most of the color, which is just fine. The color's plenty good. The layout is clean and easy to navigate. Your navigation is well placed and easy to see and use. Nice choice on the font. It looks like sci-fi TV show opening credits type, which seems appropriate. Generally good margins as well. Everything has room to breathe.

Watch your left and right margins on your "Illustration" button. They're a little tight. I'd also dial up the opacity of the backgrounds behind the buttons and bodycopy about 15%. Help make the type a little more legible. I'd probably make the logo a little less transparent on your mobile version as well.

Nice work!

So, which one is the one you bashed out in a couple minutes and have no intention of doing?
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

Elle Barre
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Re: project_3_prelim_layouts

Post by Elle Barre »

James, based on the little I know about your demographic, I think your design hits the nail on the head. It's avante garde Gen X or Y or Z, who's next, I don't know. I'm a Latter End Baby Boomer. My daughter is 23: what's that generation called? It's very Video Game looking, with YOUR original stamp on it. I like the colors-that blue is really nice for me, nice you made those buttons on it transparent--I think the Design button is too transparent . The mobile version pops for me much more, with Spaceman making it relevant in a human interest way, and uh oh, Saturn is so CLOSE... Melancholia, anyone? Reminds me of the end of that movie...

2nd design kind of falls flat for me... just wholly less 'accessible" visually, so dark overall, and, the font is inexcusable! :- ) It hard to read a paragraph of copy in that font. BUT, I LOVE the New Zealand art very very much. It's so appealing, I'd love to see that fill the screen.
~ Elle Barre

James Hill
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Re: project_3_prelim_layouts

Post by James Hill »

I like your designs though they do look very busy. The background while great do have contrast issues with the text. You should go with design one. Good job.
