Hello, I'm Isaiah

Please introduce yourself here. C'mon, don't be shy!
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Hello, I'm Isaiah

Post by Isaiah »

Hey yall, my name's Isaiah Sabol. I'm on the graphic design track, going for an eventual bachelors in graphic design. I've been doing graphic design for a little over 10 years. I'm self taught but have been taking classes in design since 2014.

I like to play competitive games and I also run D&D for my friends! I have a lot of hobbies (I mean a lot). The quantity of random specialized equipment and gear I own is kinda ridiculous. I'm average at a lot of things and I think my biggest fear is that I'll always be average at like 15 different skill-sets, but never be great at any of them.

So web design. Well I got the design part down okay, but it's more the web side that's sounds spooky. In my mind I imagine coding as combining my two worst areas in school: Math and foreign language. It's like algebra class taught in french yikes.

(Yo Micheal what are these file size restrictions for profile photos hooooooly you got your toaster hosting this site or the smart fridge?)
I’m Isaiah Sabol!

Design is easy, work ethic is the hard bit.

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Re: Hello, I'm Isaiah

Post by Instructor »

Isaiah! Welcome to GRC 175. I look forward to seeing how you'll solve the various projects I throw at you.

Surprisingly, in web design there's a lot less math than you think. Mostly addition and subtraction, really. The language learning part is real, but at least the syntax is pretty straightforward and then it becomes a vocabulary word memorization problem.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I try to make myself as available as possible.

(And once I show you guys exporting you'll be able to put much larger avatar images on the forum. I'll tell you guys the story of how I came to have this hosting at a later date too. It's a crazy story)
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor
mganschow@tmcc.edu | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
