Project 3 Final

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Project 3 Final

Post by Cassiebowers »

Here is my finished website. It is best viewed in Safari or FireFox because I had some problems with the fonts. I made the background look like cut construction paper and used fun retro colors with bold fonts to make what I hope is an interesting layout. Besides the font problem I am happy with my website. This was an awesome class and I feel like I've learned a lot! ... index.html
Cassandra Bowers

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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by Ariesboxsye »

I'm jealous of your site, the slow drop of titles and the one page look yet keeping information together for each given tab needed is a brilliant idea. Not to mention the background imagery used.

Only issue I can point out is scaling, its obviously great on big resolution monitors but seems to have some clipping issues when it comes to smaller sizes. Honestly thats not even a bad issue, the site is obviously built with a high resolution monitor in mind.
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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by SerenDark »

Your site is absolutely gorgeous! Your art style, use of color, use of fonts, single page scrolling, and transitional effects for different elements all really come together in a fabulous way. It's extremely eye-catching and stands out a lot!
My only nitpick is that the professors' faces are rather low quality, but the images in question are quite small yet also some of the best photos of them, so there isn't really much to be done about that unless you or someone took new photos.
=== Olivia Putnam ===
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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by Kyler_Rose »

Just wow, i have nothing bad to say about your site or any way to improve it your website is amazing
Kyler Rose


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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by breezy »


I loved seeing all your amazing designs this semester, great job!
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." - Charlie Chaplin

Brianna Mick

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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by ktwy »

DANG! This is the only website I want to look at for the rest of my life! Your illustrations and motion graphics in this are my favoriteeee.
The bodycopy got a little squished on my browser so it made it hard to read, but that's about it.
Sorry for fangirling, but it's really awesome :D

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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by fjbo »


You are website is very very impressive.

The Strong: Illustrations. Design. Concept. Colors. Style. Technical skills. It's pretty clear that you put a lot - but a A LOT - of work into your website. I like the nice harmonic and high contrast color palette that you used everything looks part of the same thing. It's hard to tell if you did the illustrations specifically for this project or just some of them, which means that you spend a lot of time creating the illustrations used in here and all of them have the same style. It's pretty awesome. I like that you went away from the minimalist trend and it really paid off. The effects you added means that you researched and how understanding of the different components involved in web design.

The Not-So Strong: I really don't think I could say a lot. I think you will learn how to tackle the little things that came up while working on this project next semester, but again. WOW!!

